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send us money!
> PS. I think that "save these kittens" crap is just a scam to make
> money....and make it they will.
I tend to agree. However if it is somewhat legit, Darwin had the right
idea. Natural Selection. If the cat is meant to die, then it will, and
will not pass on whatever genes (it's mother had) that landed said kittens
in this situation to begin with. Maybe Momma kitty's sense of "Hey this is
a good place to drop a few units off" is broken. Maybe her sense of trust
in strangers is off--whatever... you get the idea. It's diseased. Let
nature take it's course.
And lastly this crosses one of my own rules. Never trust anyone that can't
No offense. It really isn't anything personal. I didn't mind donating to
Tony's (milqtoast of a) mustache as he's an established, well known member
and it was for a reputable charity that was in fact verifyable. (Sorry
bro--You didn't win) We don't really know you and honestly it would be
different if you were asking for some sort of help with a scirocco. I don't
speak for everyone however and we are all big boys and Grrrrls. My rather
humble opinion is that it was bad form to ask for money like that. A
website doesn't mean anything to me. In my mind it was just a step above
the dude on the corner by my house asking for money with a sign. I know
he's honest about it. The sign reads "I need beer and the dog would like
something to eat" I tried to give him a deli sandwich once and he gave it
to the friggin dog.
I am not sending cash or a deli sandwich for that matter. Sorry.