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Sloppy Shifter question
Ok so I think that I figure out the cause of my sloppy shifter...... Hang on for this one...... SO yes there is a spring atop the plastic swivel ball. That shifter spring is held by a C-clip that provides pressure to the gear shifter and aids in the push down mechanism for reverse. When I looked this morning the C-clip had worked its way up the gear shifter allowing the spring below all sorts of slack and concequently sloppy play. I will however still chnage all bushing and grommets associated with the linkage this weekend.
I have to still prove this theory as I have not driven the car after this discovery.....
More news at 11.
thanks for the responses!
El T
"Foxx (in a box)" <foxxinabox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Lift up your shift boot and make sure the plastic swivel ball is still in
> one piece and the fingers holding the shifter spring are all there. Move it
> from gear to gear looking for abnormal movement. If that is OK it sounds
> like a broken linkage piece or misalignment of the linkage shaft. My $0.02.
I second this. Mine exploded on Father's Day and made shifting really
interesting. Everything was in it's approximate position but reverse
didn't require pushing down on the shifter and was somewhere up and to
the left. Replaced it with an extra one I had and it's never been better.
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