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Sloppy Shifter question.
On 6/25/07, Neptuno <neptunonc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I return to my car to pick up the kids from camp and found the shifter
> really sloppy to the point that what engaged 1st seem to me the position of
> 3rd. Reverse seem exagerated onto the left and pushing down and up to the
> left seem unessesary. Much of a limp noodle feel to all of this. All gears
> are engaging, has this happend to anyone before? and how did you correct it.
Lift up your shift boot and make sure the plastic swivel ball is still in
one piece and the fingers holding the shifter spring are all there. Move it
from gear to gear looking for abnormal movement. If that is OK it sounds
like a broken linkage piece or misalignment of the linkage shaft. My $0.02.
MK1 x 5