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Anyone use a Dremel?
Dremels that have vent holes have a fan on the rotor. Air movement results from rotation speed. Running the dremel at low speeds
and higher loads (loading down the bit, resulting in higher current draw) will result in high heat levels. The best way to cool it
off is to run it low/med with no load at all. You will note initially high air exhaust temp, but it will cool down after a minute
or two. You can then resume dremeling (at a lower load if you want to last longer).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Pallett [mailto:greg.rocco@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 10:39 PM
> To: Scirocco list
> Subject: OT: Anyone use a Dremel?
> Anyone here a frequent user of Dremel tools? I've just come
> in from the garage after an evening of using my new Dremel
> 400XPR. The wheel refinishing project is going fine. So why
> the email?
> The damn thing gets hot. Really hot. I didn't burn my
> fingertips, but it got pretty uncomfortable. It seems like
> this is a pretty bad quality, tha tthe part you hold gets
> frealin' hot...
> ANyone else have this happen?
> GP
> --
> "Fatal mistakes rarely happen, but funny things often do"
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