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Cincy 08 date to be changed? or not !
I vote for the same weekend... tradition no?
Jim Ruffi <jimruffi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: I agree, but it had been mentioned and I basically have to let some people
know this week, if possible, so I was hoping we could get this discussion
out of the way. I don't really care either way, but it would suck if I
blocked out the first weekend and it were to get moved.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Drew Mac [mailto:type53@xxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 8:23 AM
>To: Daun Yeagley
>Cc: Scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: RE: Cincy 08 date to be changed? or not !
>On 7/16/07, Daun Yeagley wrote:
>> My opinion is Cincy will be held on whatever weekend works
>> out the best for the group. Currently my entire June 2008
>> calendar is open.
>The first weekend in June has had a special place in my calendar since
>'01 - work, family and friends all know to schedule around it. I'd
>hate to see the date change at this point, personally. It's like a
>stat holiday - everybody knows when it is, so leave it be and people
>will adapt to it. No one date is going to work out for everyone.
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