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Brake conversion
Thanks for the offer Brian.I have all of the necessary parts,I think. I
got some rear calipers and misc. parts from Peter.My only real question is
about the proportioning valves.I got the front calipers and master cylinder
off of a 16v It only had one proportioning valve in it.I really don't see
how that would work unless there is another valve installed for the other
rear brake.Of course when you get parts from pick n pull you don't really
know what you are getting unless you are familiar with the parts in
Would a tee work in the brake line for a brake light switch?One for the
rear and one for the front?I think I have more questions than answers at
this point.
I would welcome your input if you have time to come to Athens.Besides I
would like for you to see my shop.
ole blue
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Haygood" <haygood@myway.com>
To: <sukchew@suddenlink.net>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 2:21 PM
Subject: RE: Brake conversion
> Chuck,
> I'm having a guy send me some Passat parts. He's got all of the rear
> brake stuff. Do you want the rear calipers and carriers from that? I
> believe they are the same as A3 calipers. I would hesitate to put stock
> 16v brakes on the back of anything. I run A4 calipers in the rear.
> The car is getting junked soon and you could probably get these calipers
> shipped in with my stuff for $50 or less.
> Brian
> --- On Thu 01/25, < sukchew@suddenlink.net > wrote:
> From: [mailto: sukchew@suddenlink.net]
> To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 20:08:37 -0600
> Subject: Brake conversion
> Okay all of you brake gurus,<br> I have started the brake conversion on
> Rose.I am using 16v front calipers and rear from a ?I found a set of rear
> calipers in my storage box.They came off of the 79 GT. Scirocco The
> "Quinlan" car that is buried in my back yard.Did any of the A I's come
> with rear disc brakes?<br>How would I identify 16v rear calipers?They were
> being used with what I think is the stock 79 mastercylinder.It is equipped
> with a separate brake line to each wheel.Do I need to convert to a single
> line to the rear with a proportioning valve?What is the correct procedure
> to adjust the rear brake pressure?gauges or the sphincter method?The
> inquiring mind wants to know.<br>ole
> blue<br>_______________________________________________<br>Scirocco-l
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