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OT: Apple
Jobs is no idiot and thats obvious. He knows he can't dominate everything
at once and like it or not, he needs M$ to have a grip on certain markets
as much as M$ needs Apple to have a grip on certain markets. Without the
competition and rivalry, we the consumers would be screwed. We'd be
forced to use whatever crap they felt like dishing out.
However, I'm right there with ya on the iPhone. Very cool, very
interesting, the geek in me is drooling, the rest of me sees the price tag
and says, WTF?, a $600 8gb iPod, no thanks.
I haven't looke dinto the Mac TV applience yet, but from what your saying,
it's nothing like the HTPC's coming out from the OEM's currently.
William S.
> I saw this today and I don't really care about the phone. I'm not a
> huge fan of these devices because to me they are all just too bloody
> expensive. I wouldn't mind having one cause I'm a total dork, but I'm
> not about to pay for it and for the access charges.
> What I'm disappointed about is Apple TV. Apple is shooting themselves
> in the foot by not offering a better media center computer. Microsoft
> and the PC makers have caught the hint. Anyone who has ever used
> Apple's FrontRow software, though, can tell you how oblivious they are
> to this extremely valuable market.
> I currently have an iMac hooked up to an HD projector in my office.
> Yea, it's sick. Klipsch speakers - still shopping for a better
> surround controller. We borrow and rip DVDs to the hard drive and
> watch them from the FrontRow software. It's a lot better than losing
> and scratching discs - much less buying them, but the interface is
> crap, the feature set is crap, the ability to use it as a DVR is
> nonexistant. When I saw the new box labeled "Apple TV" and a slick
> looking little device I was ready to buy - then I actually read about
> it and realized it's absolutely worthless.
> Anyways, that's my impression on MacWorld 2007. Apple is well poised
> to deal a major blow to the PC using world, but they're just not quite
> making it happen and that makes me sad.
> Grant
> On 1/9/07, Allyn <amalventano1@tds.net> wrote:
>> http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/keynote/ (specifically, the new
>> iphone)
>> No words...
>> Al
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- OT: Apple
- From: amalventano1 at tds.net (Allyn)
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- OT: Apple
- From: amalventano1 at tds.net (Allyn)
- OT: Apple
- From: ggehrke at gmail.com (GGehrke)