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smoking alternator ground

Allyn wrote:
> That ground should not be necessary, unless the ground from tranny to chassis is missing, in which case the starting current and
> alternator charging current could easily overload it, if it is of insufficient gauge?
> Al 
I'm pretty sure that the tranny is grounded. I'll check tomorrow anyway. 
We put a test light between the neg cable and the neg post as the guy at 
the alternator place suggested to check for current. Light was off with 
the key off but when the key was on the light was on. We took the 
alternator ground cable off and the light was on but dimmer. We checked 
just the alternator cable and the light was bright.There seems to be two 
ground cables coming off the alternator, this one going straight to the 
post, and one that feels like it attaches to the block.

	--Jacob Hawes
	'80 Scirocco mk1 "Tuyere"
Sharp pointy things:
	18" HI Kobra "pillow knife"
	17.5" HI Ang Khola Villager "camp axe"
	~48" Custom XVII longsword. unnamed
My Photobucket: