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Lookie what I found on Wasserworks....
Just for the record I concur with Allyn and the reasons for his posts to the list on this subject.
I'm aware of enough details of the situation to be able to say that Dave has been more than accommodating and patient over this whole transaction.
Time for it to get resolved on his terms.
From: "Allyn" <amalventano1@tds.net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 9:58 PM
Subject: RE: Lookie what I found on Wasserworks....
> Mark,
> I agree that it should be off list, and it was, for a considerable time. Dave (who is essentially my brother) sat on the issue for
> months before even telling me about it. Sometimes such stirring up is necessary in order to ensure our fellow listers are paid what
> they are owed, and the deals adhered to. If you sold me something, and I repeatedly failed to uphold my part of the agreement, I
> would fully expect you (or anyone else who knew about it) to call me out right here, on the same medium by which we all converse.
> How else would the rest of this list know to exercise caustion before doing business with me in the future? I see it as a
> responsibility demanded of any trusting community - if it is to maintain that trust. You don't just sit by and act oblivious as
> your peers get railroaded. That sort of stuff builds over time, and happens behind the scenes. Eventually the whole list would
> become a cheap facade of friendship covering up hatred and animosity between several of us.
> I had washed my hands of the whole thing after breaking my silence back in October. I only revisited the issue after being made
> aware (by Nate) of yet more odd activity. Dave had offered to buy back the car, in return for the portion of payment he had
> received thus far, doing so the instant post-sale issues were discovered, and was turned down. Now it's back up for sale somewhere
> else, with not so much as a whisper to the list. Nate saw the sale post and knew about the situation, so he bravely made the rest
> of us aware of it. I suspect his actions were not accidental.
> I'm sorry for pressing this issue, but I would not be doing so unless there were many others in agreement with my actions. We are
> all just looking out for the welfare of a fellow lister. I would do the same for anyone on this list - even for Julie. As a matter
> of fact, the veteran listers know that I HAVE stood up for Julie in the past. Sure it was only a web site matter, and had nothing
> to do with finances, but it was the right thing to do, so I did it without hesitation.
> Al
> From: Mark Bednarz [mailto:vwsportruck@yahoo.com]
> I think what would constitute "this niggly shit" would be not taking it offline. Just my opinion, but I see no need to start
> stirring up trouble on the list. The list is a source of help and friendship.
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