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Yes,I must apologize about the weather.It is currently 67 degrees on my front porch,I'll soak up as much heat as I can for you that are stuck where the sun don't shine.
  Now, it's off to the shop where Rose is waiting.No heaters are necessary today.
ole blue
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: julie@menloparkrandd.com 
  To: Chuck Blue ; Brian Spinney ; roccit_53@scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca 
  Cc: scirocco-l@scirocco.org 
  Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 11:41 AM
  Subject: Re: Quite

  Remember folks, the Texans tend to exagerate. Texas is bigger, the cows are bigger, the snakes, the weather, the brisket. 

  Well ok, I conceded the brisket....

  >-----Original Message-----
  >From: Chuck Blue [mailto:sukchew@cox.net]
  >Sent: Monday, February 5, 2007 09:43 AM
  >To: 'Brian Spinney', roccit_53@scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca
  >Cc: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
  >Subject: Re: Quite
  >I guess I had better quit complaining about my 32 degrees this am.with a 
  >high of 60 today.
  >ole blue
  >----- Original Message ----- 
  >From: "Brian Spinney" <vw_85roccoZ400@hotmail.com>
  >To: <roccit_53@scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca>
  >Cc: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
  >Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 6:47 AM
  >Subject: Re: Quite
  >> Yup it was cold here this weekend too! Friday 5:00pm started with a snow 
  >> storm * I call it a snow storm because it was the first one of the season* 
  >> with 4" falling. Then the cold weather came Saturday with temps in the 
  >> teens. There I was outside regapping the plug on my 20vT Jetta. Not 
  >> being able to feel my hands I said enough and went inside.
  >> Yesterday was even colder and I only left the house to go to a superbowl 
  >> party.
  >> This morning 6?F.
  >> Hopefully I can get some Cincy prep done this up coming weekend.
  >> -Brian
  >> 85 Scirocco 8vT 01 Jetta 20vT 84 Rabbit GTI
  >> 86 Bronze Scirocco 8v
  >> ----- Original Message ----- 
  >> From: "C Boyko" <roccit_53@scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca>
  >> To: <sukchew@suddenlink.net>
  >> Cc: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
  >> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 7:31 AM
  >> Subject: Re: Quite
  >>> On 7:18 am 02/05/07 <sukchew@suddenlink.net> wrote:
  >>>> This time of the year I'm glad that I live in Texas.Friday night we
  >>>> had our coldest night of the year, 22 degrees.It was 58 on
  >>>> Sat.afternoon It is suposed to be 60 + today.If it was as cold here
  >>>> as you are having I wouldn't even go outside.People here complain and
  >>>> cry because it is to cold.On the other side of That, Texas has Aug
  >>>> which sometimes goes untill Oct.when we have lots of days over 100.
  >>>> Keep everthing plugged in an warm so we can see you in Ohio in June.
  >>>> The brake conversion is well on the way to being completed.I hope to
  >>>> have Rose back on the ground this week.What did you do to make the
  >>>> initial coilover height settings?
  >>>> ole blue
  >>> I set the fronts so that the A arms were parallel to the ground, flat,
  >>> whatever. And then dropped the back end to match. I'm afraid I wasn't too
  >>> scientific about it, but supposedly the A arms should be flat, that 
  >>> seemed
  >>> to be the suggestion from those in the know anyway.
  >>> cathy
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