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Turbo Scirocco
> Everybody say it together now!!!
> You can install Megasquirt or other aftermarket engine management
> system that will allow you to set fuel and timing appropriate for a
> boosted engine. I'll only say that Megasquirt isn't a walk in the
> park unless you really understand how an engine operates and what
> air/fuel ratios and ignition timing it needs for various operating
> conditions.
> You might start by reading Maximum Boost by Corky Bell
> Dan
And on that topic, if you're includng new guages in your turbo install (
which you should) get them in there now. That way you'll know what's
typical in the non-boosted areas at least. I'm really glad I had my Wide
Band in well before going to Megasquirt, so I knew what normal AFRs were
under load/when cruising/idling etc. Dan has been a wonderful source of
knowledge for all things turbo on this list, so trust what he says, he's
had a lot of experience.
Cathy 4000+ miles on MS!!! (and still tuning...)