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The $125.38 switch
I'm checking into that this week. I'm not proud.
Well I am, but hate being towed.....
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Marc Getty [mailto:marc@xxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 11:12 PM
>To: ''T Berk'', scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: The $125.38 switch
>The hell with pay per tow services, AAA Premier is worth every penny. It
>offers (1) 200 mile tow per year and up to (4) 100 mile tows a year. Plus
>tons of other benefits and discounts.
>If you own and regularly drive an old car, AAA Plus is a must with up to (4)
>100 mile tows. If you own an old car and regularly drive it long distances
>AAA Premier is a must. Why futz on the side of the road in the
>dark/rain/snow/heat/traffic? Just get a tow to a more comfortable place.
>The drawbacks? On >400 mile trips you worry about the area more then 200
>miles from home and more then 200 miles from your destination. Also, the
>free towing does not apply on the Dalton Highway
><http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalton_Highway>. Dunno about AAA <=> CAA
>agreements so driving in Canadia may or may not be a problem.
>-Marc, with two AAA Premier memberships and up to 1200 miles of free tows a
>-----Original Message-----
>From: T Berk [mailto:bayareaberk@xxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 9:05 PM
>To: scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: The $125.38 switch
>Been dere, done dat-
>Driving an A2 Jetta into the Diablo Valley to ferry a good friend and _his_
>good friend from out of town to dine at Another Good Friend's sushi
>Suffice to say the damn'd thing would start to get us home, all full and
>We had to squeeze into the tow truck and look at it in the daylight.
>Fuel Pump Relay, yep, yep.
>Same story, cleaned out car just prior to socially important dinner date. If
>I had only _left_ all that crap in the trunk I would have driven myself home
>AND gotten McGuyver points from the fellas too.
>Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play
>Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.
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