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The $125.38 switch
Been dere, done dat-
Driving an A2 Jetta into the Diablo Valley to ferry a
good friend and _his_ good friend from out of town to
dine at Another Good Friend's sushi restaurant....
Suffice to say the damn'd thing would start to get us
home, all full and happy.
We had to squeeze into the tow truck and look at it in
the daylight.
Fuel Pump Relay, yep, yep.
Same story, cleaned out car just prior to socially
important dinner date. If I had only _left_ all that
crap in the trunk I would have driven myself home AND
gotten McGuyver points from the fellas too.
Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.