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SOLD to Fellow Lister - FS: My Alpine White '88 16V - ENID, OKLAHOMA
Enjoyed meeting you and your family.
I hope to get this one up and running, and re-sell it when time permits.
Stay tuned...
-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Steiner [mailto:steiner_ca@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 7:32 PM
To: scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: SOLD to Fellow Lister - FS: My Alpine White '88 16V - ENID,
UPDATE: David Utley now has the car and it is currently being towed to
salvation in OKC.
Thanks for all the interest. I'm glad it's going to someone on the list.
> From: raveracer77@xxxxxxxx> To: steiner_ca@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: FS:
My Alpine White '88 16V - ENID, OKLAHOMA> Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 23:31:22
-0700> > AH! No scrapping!! How long do you think you have before fines come
on > you? I can't afford much but my only interest would be to part it out
as I > have six various Dubs as it is, none of which are running and a very
mad > wife. I'm within driving distance sort of as I'm just north of El Paso
TX > at Holloman AFB in the White Sands area of NM. Name a value or idea of
> trade and I'll see if I can get a two wheel dolly by the first of the
month > if you can hold out that long.> > Rave Racer> Current:> '91 Jetta
GLI 2.0L 16V> '81 Scirocco Mk1 1.8L 8V Digifant 2> '86 Fox> 2 GTI parts
cars> > Gone:> '89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX> '87 Audi 4000 Quattro> '72 Triumph
GT6> > http://spaces.msn.com/raveracer77/photos/>
___________________________________________> ----- Original Message ----- >
From: "Craig Steiner" <steiner_ca@xxxxxxxxxxx>> To:
<scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 20:46> Subject: RE:
FS: My Alpine White '88 16V - ENID, OKLAHOMA> > > > Last chance. I really
need the garage space, and I don't plan on spending > another dime on the
Scirocco. Not really interested in parting it out > either. It will probably
be off to the scrap yard this >
Thursday.http://s202.photobucket.com/albums/aa293/steiner_ca/> > Craig> >
(580) 603-4006> > > From: steiner_ca@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:
scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: RE: My > Alpine White '88 16V - ENID,
OKLAHOMADate: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 22:35:50 -0500> > > > > > Oops. I guess I was
too excited about my new purchase to include the good > stuff. Here's the
story...I had a coolant hose break (the upside down U > shaped one just
below the distributor). The car wasn't indicating hot, but > the little red
blinking light came on for about 5 minutes, so assume what > you will. I'm
fairly certain the duration of the leak wasn't sufficient to > cause any
overtemp damage to the engine. In the process of replacing the > hose
however, I smacked the distributor, breaking the Hall sender clean off > and
nearly required stitches in my hand. While pulling the old distributor, > I
decided to test the plug wires (I had suspicions) and discovered one of >
the new Eurosport plug wires had considerably more resistance than the rest.
> I then decided to replace all the hoses while i was at it, and might as
well > replace the water pump since it seemed to be the source of some noise
and, > before I removed all the hoses, I got fed up with the whole damn
thing so I > decided to buy one of those highly reliable British sports cars
(yes, I'm > probably very sick). The car was great up to about a year and a
half ago. > Since then it has left me sitting on the side of a major highway
at night in > the middle of nowhere Texas (alternator seized) and then the
passenger side > rear caliper dumped all the brake fluid in a Braum's
parking lot with my two > young boys in tow (nearly smacked into a large
truck in the parking lot), > and then this hose decides to let go just as I
pull into the security check > point at work on a very cold March morning.
Yes, all of my co-workers got > to see me on the side of the road and I've
been the butt of many car jokes. > The most recent being given an award
which allows the winner to park in the > Commanding Officer's parking spot
for 2 weeks. Everyone got a good chuckle > at that one being carless and
all. Oh and there probably isn't much left of > the clutch. I just don't
have the time or the will power to keep this thing > on the road. I have no
idea how many miles are on it due to a failed > odometer from 1995 to 2002.
I would guess somewhere around 150,000 if not > more. A replacement
instrument cluster was pulled out of a dead 86.5 16V > and installed to this
car by my father who drove the car while I was > deployed to South America.
This car is the proverbial project car that > never was. I would love to
continue to work on it and shape it into the car > of my dreams, but there's
this war on and all and after nearly ejecting from > my aircraft the other
day, I would rather my spend time with the family > while I can and not in
the garage swearing at a car.> > Once again, make an offer if you're
interested. The Lotus will be garaged > and the local Home Owners
Association will fine me if the Scirocco is left > outside, so it's got to
go soon.> > Craig Steiner> LT USN> > > > > > From: rocco16@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: steiner_ca@xxxxxxxxxxx; > > scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: My
Alpine White '88 16V - OKLAHOMA> > > Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 18:02:12 -0700> >
Okay, for starters, why isn't it > > running?> > (you left out all the
important stuff, my friend....)> > > > larry> sandiego16v> > > -----
Original Message ----- > From: "Craig > > Steiner" <steiner_ca@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
To: <scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> Sent: > > Saturday, August 04, 2007 4:36 PM>
Subject: FS: My Alpine White '88 16V - > > OKLAHOMA> Not currently running,
but I have the parts, just not the patience anymore.> 16VAlpine WhiteBlack
leather interior> A/C (but hasn't worked in years)> Sunroof (pops up,
doesn't roll back anymore)> H&R Coilovers installed a year ago> Kenwood
excelon XXV-01D 25th Anniversary head unit with Sirius radio and is > HD
Radio capable - installed March 2006> New bee-sting antenna> Major brake
service done last year (replaced rear calipers, all rotors and > pads)> New
alternator installed February 2006> Car will come complete with Bentley and
parts that I've accumulated over the > years.> -A/C condenser (I don't think
it's for a MK II Scirocco)> -A/C dryer-Nearly complete set of new hoses from
Adirondack Auto Brokers > (one hose installed)> -New water pump> -New
Thermostat-New dash overlay (plastic, black, but can be painted)> -still in
box Infinity 6412CFP speakers (1 pair) other pair installed in > car>
-bottles of G12 coolant PHOTOS >
HERE:SCIROCCOhttp://s202.photobucket.com/albums/aa293/steiner_ca/ Make an >
offer if you're interested.My new ride, and the reason I need the Scirocco >
gone: LOTUS>
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