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warning: now OT political (was "Bridge Collapse")
- Subject: warning: now OT political (was "Bridge Collapse")
- From: kkrup62 at hotmail.com (Karl Krupke)
- Date: Wed Aug 8 13:33:54 2007
- In-reply-to: <006b01c7d9d6$c320bd80$0132a8c0@Dad>
...nah, you're more than welcome to disagree. Just do so intelligently,
which for purposes of political discussion I define as WITHOUT using the
phrases "they hate us for our freedom", "we're fighting them over there so
we don't have to fight them over here", "9-11! 9-11!", or "new stragegy in
Iraq". No platitudes or slogans, please.
Also feel free to NOT use the phrases "it depends on what the meaning of
'is' is", "I did not have sex with that woman", etc. Lefties do probably the
same amount of stupid stuff, and should also be held responsible for their
moronic interludes ( or interlewds, in the case of Bill Clinton).
I welcome debate with someone with right- wing sympathies who can argue
political issues based on fact, rather than party dogma. We might not
(probably won't) agree on what should be done, but at least we oughta be
able to agree on what is or is not factual. Both extremes I think have
encouraged the citizenry to reduce disagreement to the level of "Is Not!"
"Is So!" "Is Not!" "Is So!" "Is Not!" "Is So!". I'm sure it promotes party
loyalty and election day turnout, but I think it's a plague to the concept
of actually solving any of the many problems this country faces.
I call myself left, but that's on average; and using the common
polarized yardstick. I hold a number of opinions that (oddly, I think) are
considered somewhat to very conservative. But to me the differnces between
the parties are minor, with the left (I believe) being slightly more
palatable. But it's a difference of degree, and not very much.
I try to be religiously non- partisan, and politically non-
demoninational (words chosen intentionally). And I try to maintain an open
mind, while reserving the right to judge the credibility of a given party's
representatives current stated plans and goals based on their past
truthfulness in actions and words.
So no, I don't consider you "stupid" or "evil" just because you don't
agree with me. I don't know your reasoning and am thus unable to debate it.
And finally, it would unwise of you to assume anything you don't
actually know to be true about me, for example that I would be so stupid or
evil as to not realize that my opinions are only that, and therefore think
that anyone who, "disagrees can be anything but stupid, evil, and any other
number of insulting traits." [your words, back atcha].
I think in discussion, we would probably find we have more common ground
and beliefs than differences. The politicized, polarized, party-line
theology that's killing the country is the blindered viewpoint that there's
only one right way, and the Other way must therefore be wrong.
We need a third party. (a real one, not "Nader- light" or some such).
>From: "John S. Lagnese" <jlagnese@xxxxxxxxxx>
>To: "Karl Krupke" <kkrup62@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <scirocco16vr32@xxxxxxxxx>,
>CC: <scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Bridge Collapse
>Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 12:11:21 -0400
>Ah, a true liberal. No one who disagrees can be anything but stupid, evil,
>and any other number of insulting traits.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Karl Krupke" <kkrup62@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: <scirocco16vr32@xxxxxxxxx>; <spewey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Cc: <scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:28 AM
>Subject: Re: Bridge Collapse
>>Actually, speaking as a long term liberal (thought Nixon was an arrogant
>>paranoid moron, Reagan was a narcoleptic cheerleader moron, Bush Sr. a
>>semi- illiterate moron, and now Bush Jr., who is at best merely a moron
>>squared, along with corrupt and incompetant)...uh, anyway; I've never had
>>a problem with Nukes.
>> Relatively cheap, clean, and convenient (like sex oughta be, some of
>>the time).
>> But I know what you mean about the fringe end treehuggers; same
>>mentality that thinks if everyone buys an electric car pollution will
>>magically disappear... "hey moron, where do you think the juice in the
>>wall socket comes from?" Coal burning plant, most likely.
>> Best treehugger story I've ever heard, this from a few years ago: Some
>>'hugger was protesting logging in the Pacific Northwest, went out to a
>>nearby Redwood forest with his sign.
>> While wandering through the woods, a dead branch broke off one of the
>>Redwoods and landed on this guy. Redwoods are kinda big... branch more or
>>less schmussed him dead.
>> Poetic comedy, I think... proof perhaps that if there is a God,
>>s/he/it has a warped sense of humor.
>> Ok, you're right, make that "further proof"; on top of the platypus,
>>penguin, dodo, Spanish Inquisition, Tammy Faye Bakker, fanatic Muslims,
>>>From: "Chris Bennett" <scirocco16vr32@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>To: Spewey <spewey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>CC: scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>Subject: Re: Bridge Collapse
>>>Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 22:14:45 -0400
>>>Well if the goddamn treehuggin' liberals didn't claim nukes make baby
>>>Jesus cry--they could test the metal structure via radiological means.
>>> That's how they do critical weld inspections in the shipyard.
>>>I am kidding about the liberals... but not the treehuggers. LOL
>>>On 8/7/07, Spewey <spewey@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> > Jesus H, people. As someone who has had the term "Metallurgical" in
>>> > their professional title before, I wanted to take a minute to have a
>>> > look at what a crap job bridge inspection is. All over the news are
>>> > reports of "fatigue," "structurally deficient" and "50/120" as if the
>>> > news pundits or the populace has any idea what that stuff means. And
>>> > then they go and attack them because they screwed up. Colossal
>>> > shittiness.
>>> >
>>> > We won't know for a long time who screwed up. And I know there are >
>>> > people here who do Failure Analysis or FMEA on car parts who know how
>>> > easy it is to look at a computer screen or even peer into a microscope
>>> > to investigate corrosion or work hardening but the men and women who
>>> > hang off bridges have a difficult job: they can't take a bridge beam
>>> > back to the lab. They have to sign off on it in situ.
>>> >
>>> > FDNY, blah blah, first responder, Navy divers, schoolbus full of
>>> > precious loinfruit...once you're done feeling all red white and blue,
>>> > please take a second to think about the poor inspectors before you >
>>> > a spark plug at them for making you late.
>>> >
>>> > From the news:
>>> >
>>> > "It's nuts," said a second MnDOT expert who has inspected the bridge.
>>> > "The first thing you notice is that the traffic is not giving you a
>>> > break. And in MnDOT there is a real reluctance to close a lane of
>>> > traffic because then you're impeding flow. Then there's the height
>>> > the water, the pigeons, bats and spiders. If you're a little
>>> > about those things, you shouldn't be in the business. It's nasty
>>> > business down there."
>>> >
>>> > http://www.startribune.com/10204/story/1347900.html
>>> >
>>> > Some Minnesota Department of Transportation employees have found
>>> > themselves the target of "very...serious threats by email and phone
>>> >
>>> > http://www.startribune.com/10204/story/1347187.html
>>> >
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