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Injector Seats and such...
- Subject: Injector Seats and such...
- From: lexan_122874 at hotmail.com (Lexan Blanchard)
- Date: Wed Apr 25 19:47:09 2007
Well, got the 1 broken injector seat changed with little effort. Decided to
go with the advice to go ahead and change the other 3 while I am at it.
Well, the other 3 won't budge and now another one has broken :( I sprayed
some PB Blaster on them, and will leave them for now. Maybe they will break
free tomorrow. I am afraid I am going to strip out the allen wrench hole
and not be able to get them out. Why can't 1 thing be simple and straight
forward? I know, bonding time and they all act this way. Anyone have a
better solution than the Blaster and waiting?
But, good news. Checked compression last nite (yeah, yeah, I put it off,
and put it off). All 4 are within range!!! And it was fairly simple to do.
Also, 1 spark plug looked a little less "used" than the others, so I had my
12 yo son help me check spark. Boy, so we have some car training to do!!!
I asked if he wanted to hold wires or start car. He chose start. I showed
him where brake was and how to turn key. I went to wire. "I can't get the
key to turn." OK, we go through it again. I went to wire. He still can't
get the key to turn. I tell him he is fired from starting and must hold
wire. I tell him no hands near belts, and the spark won't hurt. He freaks,
but does it anyway. Then he turns the halogen work light to where he is
looking and tells me he can't see the spark. DUH! Finally, he gets it and
we have good spark on all 4. So, I guess the plug is just cleaner looking.
I have also learned that my son should move to a city with public
transportation. I try to make this stuff "fun" for the 2 of us, but he is
just not interested.
OT: Gardening coming along nicely. My mom, just call her Martha Stewart for
today, kicked butt on yard work today. The arbor is finished and we are
ready to begin constructing the patio beneath it. The largest flower bed is
weeded and in process of being mulched. Next bed is about 1/3 weeded (I
will finish tomorrow), and we planted a cypress tree in it today. We have 3
pairs of purple martins nesting in the gourds above my vegetable garden.
And I have a Caronlina wren that has nested and laid 5 eggs beneath my
window. I LOVE SPRING!!! Too bad I have to go to work between all this
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