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Fuel Distributor Hunt (was Gas in the oil, HELP)
Fuel distributor is re-attached (thank goodness I had enough sense to make
where all those stupid fuel lines connected to). I tried to crank once, and
she almost started. The best thing was that the shake-and-shimmy that was
present before when starting is GONE! I know right now the problem is the
advice I got to "tweak" the timing at the distributor to see if that would
help in starting (months ago), and I actually followed the advice. So, now
I must tweak some more. Ahhh, bonding time (sarcastic). But, I haven't
touched her since Monday afternoon, because the high-heels-at-a-rock-concert
incident is still making me weep. I think today was the first day my feet
weren't numb since Sunday night. So, tomorrow after work, Gisele and I will
spend some real quality time together and try to back out of the building
under her own power. Everything is sounding great, there are no weird
offensive smells and the time to Cincy is quickly going to be upon us.
So, I will keep you guys posted. Hopefully this is the weekend!
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