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OT: Maui sucks
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Bennett [mailto:scirocco16vr32@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:44 AM
Should I go? Should I be upset? Should I not hand them my resignation?
Just venting sorry...
What you should do Chris, is to wait until you are less passionate about it.
I have learned that the more emotional you are about something, regardless
of what emotion that is, the more likely you are to make a mistake. Wait
until you are calmer, when you are more likely to have a bit more
perspective on the whole thing. I would indeed be -more- than pissed if I
was in your situation. In fact, I would not have accepted the phone call
during the wake; if it can't wait 15 minutes, feel free to accept terms of
severance from my lawyer... :-(
Ultimately, again you should do what you should do, just wait to make a
decision when you have less passion about the problem. I would urge you to
go to the party, perhaps there will be an opportunity then to discuss it
with your boss. If you -don't- go to the party and it all works out, you
will regret not going (IMO).
Pray on it, if that is your thing. If not, then definitely wait for the
anger to subside to a less-than-boiling level...