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4K vs. 2Y, not much difference?
> And just to prove how conversational I am over email...after
> thinking about this again....it depends. :-)
Umm, you're pretty conversational in person as well, you know... :)
> No, really, follow me here...
> In order to determine if it's a "good" idea to shift up to
> the next gear to have the maximum torque applied to where the
> rubber is on the road, you have to figure out how much torque
> you're making right now (say 6000rpms, 2nd gear, 150ft lbs),
> and figure out if shifting to third right then makes more or
> less then 150ft lbs (totaly arbitrary, but not off the map)
> for the RPM drop (which places your motor into a different
> place in your torque curve), new gear ratio, final drive, and
> tire height.
The biggest "if" for a shift at the end of a drag run, is the following:
Can the time spent with slightly less than 0 acceleration (shift+drag), be overcome by the increase in torque/acceleration gained by
that shift, prior to crossing the line.
> "Math is hard." - one of the old Barbie doll zip-string
> sayings, got pulled from the shelf.
> ==Brett
I'm still waiting for the one that says "unpimp za auto"