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4K vs. 2Y, not much difference?
Thanks Jeff...
Let me reiterate in the plainest words possible again:
3.94 R&P and .75 or .80 5th: Very good for powerful NA 16v motor.
One of the best mods I ever did was when I rebuilt my 2Y with a 3.94 and
a .75 (could _maybe_ have better used the .80, but no real big deal).
Feels great, pulls great, and you're not building a motor that makes
more power then mine, so go forth and enjoy ripping through the
gears with a huge smile and wild abandon. :-)
On Nov 1, 2006, at 8:09 PM, Jeff Toomasson wrote:
> I've missed virtually every post in this thread so far so forgive
> me if I'm
> missing some specifics, but the FN (or like 3.89 wide-ratio box) is
> IMHO the
> best setup for any N/A A1 VW; unless you're going to track it and
> then all bets
> are off.
> If your goal is a higher R&P w/ a .75 5th setup, why not start w/
> the 4K? One
> thing I remember from my conversations w/ Ron is that the teeth on
> the 3.89
> are "less robust" than those on the 3.94 (at least I think that's
> how it
> went...)
> Also, the designation "8v 020 box" can't be used in your context -
> some A3
> trannies, like my DFQ, came from an 8v but have the larger "16v-
> style" input
> shaft.
>> Dan, do you think I will have any complications with the R&P
>> (3.89) from
>> the FN and a 9A (close ratio 8v)? From what you described I believe
>> keeping it all from an 8v 020 box should work. Also, just to add
>> more
>> information, I have a .75 fifth gear set to go in it too.
>> Next, I am reading between the lines a little here and I get the
>> idea that
>> you think the stock 16V close ratio with the 3.67 R&P is a good
>> match for a
>> built NA 2.0l 16V.
>> Thanks, Rick.