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Relay help needed....sooner the better...

On 2:43:19 pm 05/31/06 "David Brown" <sharpshooter33@adelphia.net> wrote:
> I'm with you on the heat. It was 92F here yesterday. I went out to
> work on the sunroof and radio for Cincy visit and got tired of
> sweating all over the seat while I was trying to work.   Had to wait
> until night time to work  on the rocc. Did get the radio working
> though and looking at it it's wired into the seat belt relay and the
> #1 relay used for Digifant?  Oh well it's working. I only had to
> replace the fuse in the back of the radio.
> Sunroof though that's going to be an issue. I've only got tomorrow to
> work on it before Cincy. I work the rest of the week.  It''s in the
> 90's again today.  It's not 100F, but it might as well be with the
> humidity.  AND my sump pump in the basement decided to stop working
> this week.  Well at least it's cooler working down there. 8-)
> C U N Cincy  good luck and get a real nice fan going!
> Stinks that Dan isn't coming. I was looking forward to picking his
> brain alittle on MS. 8-(
> David

Weather was a bot better today, but I teach in a buolding dewsigned for AC
that never has working AC, and on top of that, I teach orticulture some of
the time, and thatmeans greenhouse time, lots of it. Plants need water, and
it's peak time for sales too. So I attached what was origninally there, and
just wired the radio from the rear defog, and went for a long drive. That
car really wanted to come to Cincy, and is a hell of a sweet ride, but
Klaus gets the nod this year, no sunroof, but he's still cooler.

See you there then! cathy