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Fwd: noobish cincy q's

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Pallett <greg.rocco@gmail.com>
Date: May 30, 2006 12:26 PM
Subject: noobish cincy q's
To: Scirocco list <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>

So - I've read the invite, and I've talked to veterans.  it goes like this:
Show up when you get there on Friday, hang out, drink beer, eat pizza
Saturday, sometime in the AM - show up, bleary eyed.  Fix stuff.
Brink beer.  Talk the talk, walk the walk.
Find lunch somewhere (what are the options?)
Saturday night, Famous Blue BBQ.. more beer, and driven safely home by
sober folks...
Sunday - cruise?  little more hanging out, then we depart at out
leisure? (Daun, if Wed. wasn't the last day of school where I work I
would have taken that off too!)

Lastly, I wonder how current the sign up is. (this thing:
http://scirocco.org/list/ohio2k6.reg/registered.html)  I'm studying
it, it's like cliffsnotes for us noobies.

Thanks... 3 days to go!


84 Scirocco Wolfsberg - The Red Baron aka Weekend FunWagen
91 Jetta - Still needs a name aka DailyBattleWagen

84 Scirocco Wolfsberg - The Red Baron aka Weekend FunWagen
91 Jetta - Still needs a name aka DailyBattleWagen