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Daun poking me in the ass-was Re: Tonee's whinings - was Re: Sleeping?
Daun Yeagley <vwdaun@yahoo.com> wrote:
--- Tonee Northam
> It's 8 days prior to cincy, I've replaced the alt and
> battery the last two days I've had off and now it starts
> immediately on the turn of the key.
As it should.
The rear suspension
> is shot!
Well, yeah, but.... hell, you've got an offer from Eric,
sounds like a good project for the weekend.
I already talked to him, picking it up on Tues, but Jim J. also has his rears too, whichever don't make the car bounce like it has hydraulics.
I've been having a slight idle surging prob,
> not constant, but sometimes.
How bad? CIS does tend to wander a little.
It comes and goes, not to bad, but it goes away when you give it gas! j/k
Going to the DMV on Friday
> afternoon to get plates and you guys are already asleep?
Sorry, some of us work a day shift. :p
My day shift starts with getting up Friday morning at 0130, leaving the house by 0200, and pulling in the parking lot at work at 0330.
> I'm still fucking up, working on one of three fucking
> cars getting ready for fucking cincy and all of my
> fucking tech support is fucking asleep, oh, and I hate my
> fucking job and hope I get fucking fired.)(Last week I
> got a raise, go fucking figure)
> (End of filling in for Anson)
9 out of 10 for effort, but -10 for style. Just hang
around Drew and Anson next weekend, you'll get the hang of
Yeahya! I've never taken home a silver before!
> The scirocco isn't finished yet to travel to cincy with
> 8 days remaining, so who wants to place bets whether the
> Northams show up in a scirocco this year instead of a
> corrado?
You'll bring the 'rocco if you know what's good for you.
So it's not the super solid & rough ride of your GTI, it'll
still be ok.
Rough would be putting it mildly, but the GTI is also coming, and I don't know what's good for me anyway.
"I'm third generation Don't Give a Fuck"- Ron White.
Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'81 Scirocco S '86 Scirocco 8v
'88 Scirocco 16v '88 Scirocco Slegato
'96 Passat GLX Wagon '56 Cessna 172
The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts - Ehrlich's Law.
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