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Injector O-ring failure?!?

Quoting Jim Ruffi <sciroccos@earthlink.net>:

> Yeah.  I always use diagonal cutters to "snap" the old ones.  Always
> use
> some gas on the new rings when you install...never install dry.  I have
> also
> used silicone spray.  I recently installed a some that I have had siting
> in
> my hardware cabinet for 15 years and, although a little hard, they
> worked
> fine.
Yeah, I knew the trick about soaking them in gasoline, and did that. They still

The old ones I was able to rip out with a small screwdriver and needlenose pliers.

I'm just hoping I just got a bad batch.  I ordered 12 more from Adirondack;
hopefully they will get here tomorrow and of that dozen, 4 will work, otherwise
ONCE AGAIN I show up to Cincy in not-a-Scirocco.

| Jim Jarrett,McFarland, WI       2006 Golf GLS                 |
| mailto:jarrett@rpa.net          81 Rabbit Convertible 16v     |
|                                 88 Scirocco  16V              |
|    Any problem can be solved with the proper application of   |
|   Force, Heat, Chemicals, or Money.                           |