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Spark plug gap question
I have no idea what copper plugs should gap to. I am using these fancy 4
electrode platinum spark plugs.
> Now I know that the Bosch coppers come pre-gapped (.036) The latest
> copper plug ID is WR7DC.
> The Bentley, venerable and out of date as it is, calls for the plugs
> w/ IDs of WR7DS or W7DTC. I will assume the current one has
> superceded these IDs.
> Here's the thing - the Bentley calls for a .028 gap on those old
> plugs. The new ones are gapped at .036, which is a considerable
> difference.
> Should I run with the pre-gap and be done with it? Have they
> lengthened the gap because electrode materials may have become more
> durable? I'd like to think so.
> Gotta do the Mk1 and Mk2 ignition stuff today, and I'd like to set it
> just right.
> Thanks, and happy wrenching to all this Saturday.
> -Phil