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Ooh, this sounds interesting! Does it involve ducks, windex and yuengling?
Just asking!
On 5/18/06, Dan Bubb <jdbubb@verizon.net> wrote:
> > But, that's OK, if I don't get it together I have a backup plan that might
> be entertaining. ;^)
> Dan
84 Scirocco Wolfsberg - The Red Baron aka Weekend FunWagen
91 Jetta - Still needs a name aka DailyBattleWagen
- Follow-Ups:
- Cincy
- From: jdbubb at verizon.net (Dan Bubb)
- References:
- Cincy
- From: verboten at michiganvw.org (Jason)
- Cincy
- From: roccit_53 at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca (C Boyko)
- Cincy
- From: scirocco at vintagewatercooleds.com (Eric S)
- Cincy
- From: roccit_53 at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca (C Boyko)
- Cincy
- From: scirocco at vintagewatercooleds.com (Eric S)
- Cincy
- From: jdbubb at verizon.net (Dan Bubb)