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Yay. Now my car is SAFE!!
I placed my response to this matter on the Vortex, but here it is for those that rather see it here.....
Timbo I go back and demand my money or take them the freeking bently and demand the job be done right...svrew going to a tech and asking actually screw going to the service manager....ask for the store manager and dont leave until you are happy with a full refund, a job done right or them willing to have another provider payed to do it right......The thing about it is that the tech does not know crap about the car and rather do a half ass job then finding out the proper thing to do.....
Simply go in there and tell the manager of the bat that he has 3 choices that will satisfy you as a costumer. That by doing a bad job he is jeoperdazing your safety and that should be a concern to him and his store, because of the liavility involved on placing a price tag on your safety. Hope it goes well......... I hate being a consumer at the hands of jack asses....actually that is the thing we all are at the mersy of this numb nuts and I hate getting taken over........THat is the pasive mentality that companies have learn to expect from the American public and we are all sheep whne we let crap like this go..... DEMAND YOUR SHIT DONE rigth!!!!
El T
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timbo [mailto:timjmcconnell@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:45 PM
> To: Scirocco list
> Subject: Re: Yay. Now my car is SAFE!!
> DAMN!!
> Pep Boys SCREWED me.
> See my thread on the rocco forum for pics -
> http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=2615549
> But I paid $59.99 for the alignment. Not bad, about average. $36.99
> for each of 2 Cooper Futura Touring tire. Misc tire disposal fees and
> balancing brought it to a total of $188.44
> Oh. Though I should expect an actual ADJUSTMENT if the alignment was
> off!! What the hell? I HATE ALL CAR PLACES!! Why?!!? WHY!? *cries*
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