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axle/cv replacement refresher
Napa has rebuilt drive axles for my 91 Jetta for $58 each. The cost of
a new CV and boot is more than that.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Brown [mailto:sharpshooter33@adelphia.net]
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 12:43 PM
To: scirocco scirocco
Subject: axle/cv replacement refresher
Ok the 86 Jetta VolksWeenie is telling me it wants it's CV joints
replaced. CLACK CLACK when I turn the wheel and try to accelerate. Now
it's starting to pull almost like a flat tire when driving at speed.
Anyway I just looked over the Tech section and I seem to remember isn't
there an easy way to pull these?
Remove axle nut, remove rear what are they 12pt nuts on tranny axle
connection. turn wheel enough to remove? Somewhere I thought I remember
this. Also it's cheaper and easier to replace complete axle rather than
CV rebuild?
Looks like VolksWeenie has again taken away my days off where I could be
working on my rocco with maintanence work on the daily dollar...I mean
daily driver.
86 16v turbo rocc
86 16v rocc needing facual repairs
84 8v wolf rocc orgain donor
86 8v Jetta GLI - $$$ and time sucker
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