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Are 10 bar and 10 kp/cm2 the same?

He-he! I have my own "speak".  How cool am I????
I think I'll use the kp/cm2, just 'cause it's cooler, even though I know 
that when warm, I'll only be able to actually use about half the gauge 
(I don't REALLY need a 10 bar gauge, I just happen to have it).

Thanks Ron!

Ron Pieper wrote:
> I thought they were one and the same, but this site
> http://www.geoforum.com/knowledge/unit/pressure.asp (or, in Nate-speak, http://tinyurl.com/lpncp)
> enlightened me:
> 1 bar corresponds to 1,02 kp/cm2
> In my book that's close enough though.
> Ron
> --- Nate Mellom <doubt@inwave.com> wrote:
>>I have a 10 bar oil pressure gauge, and a 10 kp/cm2 gauge, and a 10 bar 
>>sender.  One of them is going in my '88.  Question is, are the 
>>mechanicals of the 2 gauges the same?
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