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Cincy lanyards

I think a nametag thing is brilliant. There are new people showing up all the time and it would help them feel more included if a group of elders hanging together said, "Hey, Fred, is that your mk1 there?" instead of "Hey you!". Plus, even some of us who are not old and feeble can't remember names for shit, especially when you see their face and name once a year and their email address 10x a day. Even if you just buy a couple packages of labels at Staples and a few markers, I can't think of a reason NOT to do this.

Jim Ruffi <sciroccos@earthlink.net> wrote:
  I was thinking of just plastic laminated cards with a slot in the top for a
lanyard...cheapo. Exactly what they use for backstage passes and
tradeshows. More than enough for a weekend.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Nate Mellom [mailto:doubt@inwave.com]
>Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 11:09 PM
>Cc: Scirocco list; Jim Ruffi
>Subject: Re: Cincy lanyards
>Oops, the chains and holders are seperate. Still an idea.

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