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On 3:40:01 pm 03/11/06 "Chuck Blue" <sukchew@cox-internet.com> wrote:
> I'm so happy that I just have a few transmission problems.What you
> are doing sounds like work.
> I just bought a 1970 Cal look standard beetle.It has all the trick
> stuff lowered ,wheels,vent windows removed.all new interior,good
> engine tires and etc.Buuuuut it has a classic case of bab paint job
> rust is everywhere on the body but the frame is perfect.-So i'm
> turning into Rust Man!.I'm going to salvage the body and have myself
> a Cal look Bug all of the rust is on the surface.
> Have you used a product called POR 15? It's some sort of a
> treatment that stops and seals in the rust and is supposed to be
> workable with body filler and such.I know nothing about it and would
> like to hear from someone who has used it.There is another product
> called Rust Bullet which I think does about the same thing.
> Help?????????????????
> ole blue
I've used POR 15 as a rust stopper on Klaus, and it's holding well on the
areas that I treated properly. If you notice a hunk of rust when you're on
the last step and slap the "paint" on it, it's a waste of time, but I've
been very impressed with the product. I even treated that nasty battery
tray rot with good results. This would be 2 years after treatment, it looks
exactly the same. I've got no experience with body filler, unless you count
what I've been slapping on dented drywall, still detailing my house it
I know Mark F has something he likes better, Picklex I think. I'm sure
he'll chime in.
Cathy (more below)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <julie@menloparkrandd.com>
> > 1) Who in their right minds puts foam rubber under the windshield?
> > Its OEM so....
> >
Jim, I'll take German Engineers I'd like to slap for $100 please.....What
the hell were they thinking with that foam?