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Fwd: OT: Anyone following Battlestar Galactica?
yes, i know exactly what you mean, speaking of
frakking with a momma.. boomer is one momma i'd like
to frak with.... but that's a different story.
i can't wait till tonight either!!
--- Chris Bennett <scirocco16vr32@gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Chris Bennett <scirocco16vr32@gmail.com>
> Date: Mar 10, 2006 4:05 AM
> Subject: OT: Anyone following Battlestar Galactica?
> To: Scirocco List <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Anyone?
> The list seems slow so I am going to blather on...
> Some spoilers below
> if you haven't followed the show.
> So not to ruin anything for anyone but I have a
> couple things I am not
> really sure about... I can usually pick out a plot
> line and be able
> to tell where a story is going, but this show seems
> to move
> erratically. Tonight is the season finale and they
> are supposed to
> tie up the loose ends but historically--at the end
> of the first season
> and when the "Pegasus" showed up they raised alot
> more questions than
> they answered.
> What about that nuke that Baltar gave Gina/6
> whatever her name was? I
> don't think the crazy beeotch is going to sit on it.
> My vote is that
> she's going to take out the Pegasus... The name of
> the show is
> Battlestar Galactica not Battlestars Galatica and
> Pegasus. They
> introduced this plot device in the first show and
> quickly killed it.
> Not to mention once Cain died they have really done
> a shoddy job of
> depicting the command structure on the Pegasus.
> Putting Apollo in
> command of her was kinda cheesy. Especially when
> there was a more
> senior officer present, although he is a drunk.
> What the hell happened as a result of the last few
> minutes of "Downloaded"?
> What's going on with this kid? AND... is
> Sharon/Boomer going to trip
> offline again about it? I mean if she finds out
> they took her kid...
> I mean Cylon aside if you start fracking (LOL) with
> the mommie, she's
> gonna kick your ass. That is a truth throughout the
> universe I am
> sure, not restricted to humans.
> I don't see them getting Starbuck out of hot water,
> deciding this
> election thing, colonizing a planet, putting the
> chief's marbles back
> in, tying up the nuke thing and that nagging Pegasus
> issue that
> doesn't really sit right in the 43 minutes (without
> commercials) they
> have. The shwws creator has definately said the
> nuke comes to play in
> the finale.
> Oh yea what's with that giggling scene with Rosalin?
> She's working on
> her speech and Adama comes out of the bathroom with
> a shiteating grin
> on his face and they walks her to the debate arm in
> arm. Speaking of
> her--they made a big deal out of her having a lucid
> moment when she
> was dying to notice in her memories that Baltar was
> all over Six/Gina
> on Caprica, and she knows that there was an
> identical woman identified
> as a cylon. This is what I am talking about... they
> go in a million
> directions with this. They haven't exploited it.
> There was a big conflict between Kat and Starbuck
> and they haven't
> brought that back in at all.
> Just bored and waiting for this evening.
> Chris
> --
> 85 Scirocco 16v (conversion) Burgundy
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