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[16v] DPR/mixture/timing questions
I 'spect I meant 5mA, not .5. Just to clarify, I'm reading mA AC,
correct? Or DC, I can't remember which one worked :).
And yes, it does smell rich.
Thanks, eh?
C Boyko wrote:
> On 10:54:52 pm 03/06/06 Nate Mellom <doubt@inwave.com> wrote:
>>Yep, I know it's indicating full rich, which I understand, and can
>>adjust via the mixture screw (which I've done). What I DON'T get is
>>why, while adjusting the mixture, and having set it to averaging
>>.5mA, it dropped to 0.0mA (full rich) with no input from me, never to
>>return to a reading at all. Like I said, the mixture screw was
>>turned ALL the way righty richy (originally showed 0.0mA), and I
>>leaned it out and had it good. Still revved crappy, but then blammo,
>>0.0mA. I'll play with it some more this weekend, just out of
>>curiousity, how many turns lefty leany can I expect to adjust the
>>mixture? I've read to turn it 1/8 revolution at a time, but I think
>>when I leaned it out I was at least a full half turn, just wondering
>>if I should continue leaning it out a full turn or more. When I did
>>lean it more than a half turn, it stumbled and would barely idle, but
>>still reading 0.0mA. Which got me thinking that the morons who
>>worked on it before I did adjusted the timing with a bad O2 sensor
>>and a full rich mixture, just to get it to run half-way good.
> Sometimes after it runs, the numbers seem to change a bit, and it does take
> a while to settle in after adjusting the screw, but it sounds like
> something else is messing up, maybe beyond what I've dealt with. And it
> also sounds like something that has existed beyond a few important swaps.
> That makes it so annoying, I'm in the same boat with my CIS car, I've
> changed the whole ignition and fuel system, in some cases, parts wsere
> swapped a few times, and there's still something not right, and it checks
> out okay mechanically too. After a year and a half of chasing, you'd think
> it'd be cleared up, but no.
> And as for how many turns? No idea, mine was adjusted by someone else when
> it was so far off, and any adjustments I've done after I learned how to do
> it have been more "fine tuning" from slightly too rich or slightly too
> lean. (I know my CIS (non-E) car can be quite a few turns off and still
> run, like ass mind you, but still running) And .5 mA, shouldn't it be 5 mA?
> I'll go check what my little harness can indicates (I'm useless at
> remembering numbers, so I have it written down there), but if in fact it's
> supposed to be 5.0, 0.5 is still rich, and 0.0 would be within the
> fluctuation you'd expect. Once it's below 0, the DPR is just throwing up
> its hands and giving up on adjusting it.
> Okay, yep, I have 5.5 mA written in my "can" with the harness as the
> target. You can confirm that with one of the experts, but I'm guessing
> that's where I got the value from to begin with. Does the exhaust smell
> rich? GL eh?
> Cathy