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Relay tail lights?
> I just saw this book today. Looks like a lot of fun. Especially adding a
> computer motherboard in the car, or the GPS mouse. I think I'll have to go
> back and pick it up.
I've read through most of it and can't wait to get some of them going.
My dream for years has been to put a computer in the car. I started
putting one into my BMW in high school - got most of the parts, but at
the time the LCD panels I needed were much harder to find and I had to
give it up. I am kind of toying with the idea of a Mac Mini in the
VW. It's beautifully small, and stylish at that. It'd practically
fit in a standard DIN slot, so it'd be really easy to make it work. I
am a programmer, too, so being able to write utilities up in
AppleScript to do all the 'car' kind of things would be a snap. The
only hold up is that it's not as compatible with engine management
type stuff that I might want to run.
But yea, cool book. I like that it's really recent, too ((C) 2006),
so it's all up to date technology and where it lists companies and
brands I can be sure they're still around. And it's published by
McGraw Hill so it's practically a textbook.