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The Free Car...
You are becoming one of the reasons that Dave will lose sleep.
But Jim has already done that for most of us already.
(still seeing Dave spread eagle on the hood)
Allyn <amalventano1@tds.net> wrote:
What have I done...
From: Tonee Northam [mailto:pb3vr6@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:11 PM
To: Allyn; 'Jim Jarrett'; 'Scirocco list'
Subject: RE: The Free Car...
Here you go Al, have fun!
Allyn <amalventano1@tds.net> wrote:
> Now all we need are topless pictures of Dave sprawled across
> the hood for the eventual Scirocco.org calendar!
Ummm, damn you Jim, putting that image in my mind. I DO have to go up there, you know, and all I'm going to envision while pulling
into the drive is 'Family Guy' laying on a white mk2.
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