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Can we design and build a bio-diesel electric hybrid scirocco?
--- Behrle Hubbuch <behrleiii@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I propose that with all the experience, technical
> knowledge and creativity this group possesses we can
> design and build a practical bio-diesel electric
> hybrid Scirocco. Any takers?
> Behrle
Well, after reading all the replies so far I want to
weigh in on the 'No to Hybrid' and 'Yes to efficient
Internal Combustion'.
There are a number of motors that can make a real
light car like a Scirocco into a gas sipping dream,
esp w/ the right gearing.
But adding an electric motor and batteries reduces one
of the main points of building, and driving, a
Scirocco in the 1st place; it's nimbleness.
You might as well put that hybrid stuff in a Rabbit
instead where it belongs.
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