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Scirocco-l Digest, Vol 16, Issue 68

There are several gauges that are important. You, in a MKI dash, already have water temp. The other two that are standard for the center console are oil temp and battery voltage. One of the listers must have the correct plate for it if you dont. There is a 3 gauge panel available as well.
Oil Pressure is very important, when oil level drops quickly, shut off the engine, or if it has a slight tremble, then the level of the oil is getting low. It should read about 75' when cold and drop to about 25-30 durning the summer.
Ammeter, you can tell if the Alt is charging correctly or not. The needle is centered at 0. When you turn the key or put on a load it swings to the left. When charging while the engine is on, it swings to the right.
Vacumn shows the manifold air pressure. Are you using a lot of fuel or running economically (or have a leak in the 25 YO rubber). It shoulf read about 14" when at idle (local air pressure), swing to 0 on accelleration, and decelleration? Swing real high.
My MKI runs all of them, but thats because I'm a sticky beak, my cars not stock and have a yen to understand whats going on under the hood. Also because I love the sight of the neeles fluctuating while I drive :)

Hope this helps.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Effinger [mailto:chriseffinger22@hotmail.com]
>Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 12:52 AM
>To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>Subject: RE: Scirocco-l Digest, Vol 16, Issue 68
>has anybody put in aftermarket mechanical gauges ( water temperature, oil 
>pressure)?, wondering if there's an easy way to do it. my 81s originally had 
>some sort of electrical gauge
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