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scirocco green lighted for 2009?
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T Berk <bayareaberk@yahoo.com> wrote:
--- Tonee Northam
> Looks like a new Corrado.
Yup, my thoughts exactly. To quote the Seinfeld show;
"Not that there's anything wronnng with that..."
> We'll buy one, then I'm gonna change the rear
> badging to Corrado.
> Oh, as long as Potter has awesome upgrades for it,
> yeah, it could be very fun.
> For a DD.
> Tonee
Yep, yep. That brings up an interesting situation;
despite depreciation and the initial high cost of a
new car sometimes buying new is a viable alternative
to saving coin and campaigning a twenty year old car
I'd rather pump coin into Ellen's 93 Corrado than into the newer veedubs, it's a much more enjoyable car.
I bought new when the baby came along (he's 15 now)
because the (then) expectant wife couldn't be expected
to deal with old car 'peculiarities' on the side of
the road like I came to expect with my K. Ghia and
later Sciroccos.
Besides having that new car smell for the individual
there is some group dynamic associated with keeping
the brand healthy buy buying their wares. Flip side
is, of course, they need to actually sell something
worth buying. :])
New car smell? I have a bottle of that in the garage. When I'm able to test drive it, I'm going to push the car to the envelope like I did on my b-day a few years ago when I did the same for Daun with his b4 passat wagon.(bought it outta state)
I made the salesman slide across the backseat. Always wear your seatbelt.
> Mtl-Marc wrote:
> "to resurrect one of the most evocative models in
> the company's history."
> This comment is for us. We all deserve a pat in the
> back!
Hah! And what do we get for it? VWoA should have an
invite type BBQ to roll the thing out and of course
who should _get_ them there invites?
> "The top model will have a 3.6-liter V6 and
> all-wheel drive."
> Oh, that could be fun!
> Cheers.
> Marc
See? And again more Corrado than Rocco. Light, Nimble,
Sporty, Economical, Fun, Useful.
_These_ are words that describe Scirocco Essence.
The Twin Charger sounds yummy, but anything with an
new improved head and fueling would be great. (Mmmm,
parts cars a few years after model introduction. Heh,
Last thought: It needs more Nose.
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