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Mars Gets An Antique Registration - No More Inspections - And The Registration Will Never Expire!
Nate Lowe <nlowe79@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 6/13/06, Neptuno <neptunonc@yahoo.com> wrote: >*Cough, Cough, Cough......***** Boy, I went truw a lot of fuzz in MD to get the Historic tags placed on my 82,
You only had so much trouble Tony because your car wasn't 25 years old yet. When I got historic tags for my '79 I didn't have to do anything special. Just showed up with the title and the old plates and I was done. The other great thing is that the restrictions in MD are pretty lax, as can be seen in the
yes you are rigth about that.....One year and I had to prove everything in the 3rd point on the rigth, But I have to say that once you get the tag that the language on the document is "easy to follow" as stated by the form
MD tagging for the scirocco would have been $234 otherwise every 2 years, plus the emissions testing at some other nominal fee.
El Tony,
Who keeps his car running properly with schedule tune ups.
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