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Mars Gets An Antique Registration - No More Inspections - And The Registration Will Never Expire!
*Cough, Cough, Cough......***** Boy, I went truw a lot of fuzz in MD to get the Historic tags placed on my 82, But hell I did it!!! Attention to deal on the pic below and you will see where the "Historic" is placed on the MD tags.
El Tony Part of the elite since july of 2005
Peter <peter@thescirocco.com> wrote:
Today, I join the Scirocco elite, with "Antique" and "Classic" tags. I know
Phil Boeye has an Antique tag, and Marc Getty has Classic tag(s)...
Who else has special tags on the list and what do they look like?
The DE Antique registration, has the same tag, but the new sticker says
"EXEMPT" instead of "EXPIRES"(kinda close, if you ask me). I'm glad you keep
your tag, because I already bought a black tag for the Scirocco:
I'm supposed to display the "ANTIQUE Vehicle Delaware" tag in the front.
Please! Include the previous text in your reply...
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