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Cincy Reflexions
- Subject: Cincy Reflexions
- From: neptunonc at yahoo.com (Neptuno)
- Date: Mon Jun 5 14:43:53 2006
To All,
I had such a great time at Cincy. I can not tell you how much fun this was for me, but I guess I can try. We (the MDCH ) got there fairly early still 3pm, with the rain behind us and the fair weather 30 miles ahead we only knew that it was going to be a blast.
We pulled up to open arms and the drive way that some of us only get to visit once a year. Cars kept pulling in and more familiar faces got out of their cars. Greetings and Salutations exchanged, beer in hand and smiling faces. What a good feeling inside. All the insanity that our cars and addiction presents the to rest of the world, Now a "Normal" affair. Finally among other crazies that understand the primal essence of our situation. Oh and then Pizza..... My fav had to be that mushroom one....Damn that was tasty!
Off to camp with the rest of the frugal (read poor) bunch. Set up camp at midnight shoot the breeze for another hour and off to bed. Forgot my sunflower seeds outside....mistake. Mike wakes up to the sound of rummaging and peaking instrumented by a Raven. Freaking bird can not read and still knows those are sunflowers behind two Ziploc bags.....Bastard ate my seeds.
Jason gets up and leaves. I had no idea were he went only to roll back with donuts and orange juice for the camping group (poor group) Thanks dude!!!
Off to Daun's for the main event.....Stopping at the store for my friend Jack and his friend Coca Cola........(hope I wasn't too silly, but I am always silly). Some more wrench turning around me and I did absolutely no work on my car....Wow that buddy of mine Jack. Lunch car side thanks to the baby grill......more jack, talking and before we knew it it was time to move the cars for the aerial shot. I must ad a thank you to Mark Getty to the introduction to "le fin de monde".......Dinner time and a gallon of water later it was movie time. I have to stop here and say that it was my second year and there was no brisket last year.........Holy Crap.....I had no clue what I was missing. Sweet succulent morsels of heavenly meat!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Devil eggs as always "roccing" the House, and corn that was too good for only one. Movie time is always fun and a great laugh but the cold set in and the camping group fell under the realization of having to leave with out seeing the
family guy episode.
Camp ground brake down time....Not without being witness to an episode of "COPS" courtesy of the people illegally parked at the grounds diagonally to ours, the park ranger, two sheriff and a tow truck. See what you guys miss for not being frugal?
Back to the main site for questions about the drive and realizing that it would put the MD crew north-west of our route. Some more wrenching talking and lamenting the fact that it was Sunday as I told Julie that I was already thinking about next year.
I know I have left a bunch of stuff out, But honestly I can not say it enough. THANK YOU TO ALL!!!! who made my cincy experience a memorable one. From the people that helped me get there here in MD (MDCH) to Daun and his loved ones.
One more person I like to thank is My girlfriend Ann who did not come with me this year. She, like all of you understands this need I have and has nurtured and empathized with my scirocco mania. Thank you babe! I love you!!
I will be moving to Ann Arbor, MI August 18Th so if you see Rodolfo on a trailer behind a uhaul don't make fun of him he is not a trailer queen!! Be nice and Honk.
Next year is not soon enough!
El Tony & Rodolfo
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