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Oil companies/ Oh Canada
> Other fun facts:
> Can gal:US gal is 1.2:1 so Cathy's 40 mpg is 33 down here. But how
> did she compute this if she was buying US gallons?
And Litres. But it was easy, you just add up the Litres and the US gallons
pumped and divide by a conversion factor you choose, (let's make the
conversion factor the number of Smarts you see divided by the number of
Hummers, wait, that would give an infinite volume result in the US) Or do
as I choose to do, apply the proper conversion factors to the volumetric
units :)
And in this case it was simplified by the fact that my car has its original
(US) cluster which has a trip odometer which reads in miles, and for shits
and giggles, I even checked its accuracy against the mile markers on the
thruway, though I'm sure thay're just there for decorative reasons. Yeah, I
can handle the math (even though I'm a girl), and I suppose I should have
referred to it as miles per Imperial gallon, not mpCDNg as I did. Our miles
used to be your miles too, till we went Kilometric for distance (not
Back to our usual gripe-a thon then...