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OT: Oil companies
I've been through the crises of 1973 and of 1980 (IIRC). It wasn't bad. Buy a locking gas cap and the thieves just went elsewhere. Gas was always available somewhere...if you were willing to wait in a 30 minute line to buy 10 gallons, you had no problems. Mostly, we just struck up conversations in the lines and made the best of it.
After all, everyone was in the same predicament.
I had just sold my Toyota Corona and bought a new, full-sized Chevy van in '73....really poor timing!
----- Original Message -----
From: Spewey
To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Oil companies
Marc Getty wrote:
> The same week a few dozen gas stations in town were without any gas for a day or two. The concept of no gas at any price is a very scary one for those of us not old enough to have lived through the gas chrisis of the 70s. I'd much rather pay $3.00 or even $7.00 a gallon then have no gas at all!!
I'd like to hear anyone's stories about siphoning in the 70s. I was
alive but not very old and I have heard that theft by siphoning was
rampant in some areas. Did it happen where you were? Did locking
gascaps mean thieves just punched a hole in the bottom? Did it happen
because gas was expensive or unavailable?
We have E85 pumps all over the place in MN and today it was the same
price as gas, $3. Why would anyone buy it when it has fewer BTUs?
Don't get me started on ethanol...
Bonus, pics of Chavez in Russia buying AK-103s
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