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OT: Oil companies
Dan Bubb wrote:
> It may not matter to anybody, but it matters to me so I thought I'd share.
> Citgo is wholly owned by PVDSA which is the Venezuelan state owned oil company. i.e. controlled by Hugo Chavez.
> Citgo funneled over $650 million into Chavez's control last year.
> Now if you don't mind supporting a socialist dictator that is going to purchase 30 SU-30 fighter planes and 100,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles + ammunition (and wants to set up production of the guns and ammo in Venezuela) from Russia please buy at Citgo.
> I can't imagine what he needs 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles for although I'd imagine some of his neighbors that have very strict gun laws might want to rethink that.
> Considering the aggressive capabilities of his neighbors and bearing in mind the overwhelming superiority of the US the fighter planes are clearly a little dick syndrome . ;^)
> Personally, I boycott Citgo.
> The list is just too slow lately. ;^)
> Dan
His popularity has dropped a lot lately, I would imagine he is building
up for his run as an incumbent... :-)