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OT: Oil companies
Yeah, we have lots of oil.
We also have lots of softwood which we would like to sell you, but it
is getting harder because, well, it is a question of trust, you want
everything going across our border to carry a passport ...
But hey, it's all about trade :-)
Spewey a ?crit :
> Dan Bubb wrote:
>> Now if you don't mind supporting a socialist dictator...
> Let's look at another list:
> http://tinyurl.com/7ldt
> Do you like Angola's government? Bush does:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNITA
> Better hope the Marxists don't get uppity like Bolivia.
> What about Saudi Arabia? They cut off your hands if you steal and flog
> their gays. I'm against that but I still use their gas because I can't
> help it.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Saudi_Arabia
> While you're at it, send some war planes to Nigeria, the natives are
> getting restless:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict_in_the_Niger_Delta
>> I think it's well worthwhile to try to cut his profits as much as
> possible by not buying from him and perhaps having his prices drop
> How does not buying make "his prices drop"?
> Oil is great big giant mess in the world because you want the oil and
> they have you over a barrel. Use less if you want to make a difference.
> God bless Canada.