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Okay, I'm confused (posting pictures)
> Thanks, THAT makes me feel a whole lot better. (just getting
Erm, didn't quite want you to take the 'silly' thing that way :).
> But what I'd LIKE is to have them in the .org gallery with
> all the rest of the Cincy images, that was what the whole
> idea of taking/processing/printing/scanning/burning
> images/transporting a disc 2 hours to Drew/sending to you
> was, I thought. Guess I need to spend more time on it yet,
Yeah, I sent email to Brett on this one a few weeks ago. I have the pic originals and was going to upload all of them for you, but
I do not have the necessary access to Bretts site to do this - he has to do the account setup, and then I can jump on there and
upload the whole batch. Hopefully we'll get Cincy shirts as well... :)