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What's your tune-up routine? Plus bonus ?s

Since Spewey is all over this let's make this clear.
Sciroccos didn't get hydraulic heads until 88. Cabby's didn't get them
till 88 either. Must be an A1 chassis thing.
Golfs and Jettas got the hydro heads in 85.
Since Nate does have a 2.0L swap his head could be either.

Not picking on you Chris. Just wanting to clarify that probably more
than 50% of us are neanderthals. Well, at least by Spewey's
assessment. ;^)

On 7/19/06, Chris <open.seas@verizon.net> wrote:
> If you have a solid lifter head (pre '85?)and are ambitious you can set
> the valves. You will need a feeler gauge.  You can get a special tool to
> depress the cam followers.  There is a special tool to lift the
> adjusting discs out, but there are other methods that work.  I'm sure
> you will hear about some favorites. And of course, you'll need to get
> discs of the correct thickness. (Or an assortment in a box. 100 or so.)
> >