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Anyone familiar with the KR spec 16V?
This is what I have gleaned from the archives. I am quoting and not the
author. Rick.
"The 50mm intakes were only sold on SOME KR-engines from 1986-1988. Most
KR engines (and all 1985 ones) came with the small 40mm intake.
When catalytic converters became mandatory in Germany in the late 80's
VW had to change the cams of the 16V to a more moderate version to
protect the cat from getting too much un-burnt fuel. That is the main
difference from the PL to the earlier KR engine. Due to the more
moderate intake cam, the 50mm intake was rather useless and even had a
loss of torque at lower RPM. So it was replaced again by the smaller
40mm intake. The max HP figure of the PL engine was corrected down from
139 PS to 129 PS then.
Conclusion: When using a 50mm intake on a PL engines it's strongly
recommended to change the intake cam to at least a KR timing version."
-----Original Message-----
From: John C. Worden [mailto:johncworden@verizon.net]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 8:27 AM
To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
Subject: Anyone familiar with the KR spec 16V?
Just wondering if this thing runs on CIS-E? I thought I had read, years
ago, there was
a 16V in Europe that ran a basic CIS. Just curious.
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