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90mm vs 100mm - that is the question

--- peter <peter@thescirocco.com> wrote:
> The CV bolts are the same, but the lock plates are
> different.
> The only difference on the spindles, is that the
> inside lip, where the outer
> stub makes contact, and they can easily be opened up
> to accept the 100mm
> CV's.
> I usually pull them from Mk.2's, or buy them cheap.

So Peter, you're saying a MK2 should not have
clearance issues at the spindle for a 100mm joint, correct?

All '85, and up, A1's came with 100mm CV's.

I've compared the 2 housings, 90mm and 100mm and it's a very small
difference. I have a few 100mm stubs, that I can use to compare the fit, as
I carefully machine a set of modified 90's, and I have a bunch of 90mm hub-

If it's not too much work, maybe I'll add this to my repertoire. 
I have a 30 ton press, but usually use the Schley too, even with the
hub-carriers off the car, and it.

Peters very common to have 90's with fresh bearings, that can't normally be
