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FS/FT: 95.5 knife edged crank
You SHOULD put it on the test. If I had a teacher that was cool enough
to put wacky questions on tests, I wouldn't have gotten kicked out of
college! Well, I DID have cool profs, and they DID put wacky questions
on tests, and I STILL got kicked out, so maybe not.
Put the bong down, and slowly back away.
Ah, the folly of youth....
C Boyko wrote:
> On 11:34:34 pm 01/16/06 Nate Mellom <doubt@inwave.com> wrote:
>>I've had crusty stuff on my engine, but never crustaceans...
>>Reminds me of an OLD joke:
>>What's worse than lobsters on your piano?
>>Crabs on your organ.
>>It's late, and I'm tired.
> Good enough to make me laugh, I'm typing a biology exam, and drinking beer
> slushies, ever wonder what was up with those exam questions that made no
> sense? Now_you_know. Note to self...gotta turn that fridge down....
> Note #2 to self...don't put Nate's question on the exam, LOL
> Cathy